beruf baggage


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PRICE 59,400円(税5,400円)

「ULTIMATE 30+」はその名の通り “究極” を目指して設計されたハイエンドなバックパックです。着脱可能な3つのユニットから構成されるこの特別なアイテムは、それぞれのユニットを自在に組み合わせることで、サイズや機能が異なる3通りのバックパックとしてシーンに最適化して使用することができます。










目まぐるしいスピードで常に変化を続ける大都市・東京で暮らす人々の生活様式と向き合いながら製品をアップデートし続けてきたberuf baggageの2022年のマイルストーンとして、ブランド設立から15周年を迎えた集大成として、積み重ねてきた経験と知見をベースに ”1つのバックパックの可能性” に対する答えをここに提示します。

As the name implies, "ULTIMATE 30+" is a high-end backpack designed to be the "ultimate". This special product, which consists of three removable units, can be optimized for the scene as three different backpacks of different sizes and functions by freely combining each unit.

“The reason of the ultimate”

Unit A, which is the face of the backpack, is an organizer for efficiently sorting and storing small items. Unit B located in the middle is a storage of one air chamber that adopts a opening/closing roll top that adapts well to the change in amount of luggage. Unit C, which creates the comfort of the backpack, is the main compartment for efficiently sorting and storing digital gadgets and business tools.

“Travel-friendly full spec mode”

The full spec mode consisting of A + B + C has a capacity of 30 (+4) Liter and a storage space of 5 air chambers, and is suitable for all scenes such as travel, business, and activities. The three main luggage compartments are not only protected by YKK waterproof zippers and highly water resistant fabrics, but also have a variety of internal pockets to help maximize storage and improve efficiency. In addition, when the two coil zippers that connect each layer are opened, it is designed to be used as a sub luggage compartment for each of the two air chambers, and wet luggage is sorted in this space coated with a water-resistant PVC material. This mode is very useful for commutes on bicycles that require storage of business tools + α and short-term business trips of about 2 nights.

“Business mode specialized for business use”

The business mode consisting of A + C and maximizes the performance of business people who travel between cities with a capacity of 18 Liter, a variety of pocket configurations, and a clean appearance that goes with many outfits.This mode, which supports the tools required for remote work at multiple locations and the storage of A3 size materials required for perfect presentations, supports your daily business scene more comfortably

“Active mode specialized for active use”

The active mode consisting of A + B is a simple backpack with a capacity of 18 (+4) Litter, which consists of a storage that uses opening/closing roll-top and an organizer for small items. Separate the pressure from heavy business tools, workouts in the gym, and enjoy cycling and shopping on your favorite bike. This mode supports active holidays.

“Possibility of one backpack”

As a milestone in 2022 of beruf baggage, which has continued to update products while facing the lifestyles of people living in the ever-changing metropolis of Tokyo at a dizzying speed, it has been accumulated as a culmination of the 15th anniversary of the brand's establishment. Based on our experience and knowledge, here is the answer to "the possibility of one backpack".

寸法 / DIMENSION Width(幅)32cm
Height(高さ)48 to 68cm
Depth(奥行)17 to 24cm
容量 / Capacity A+B+C 30(+4) Liter
A+B 18(+4) Liter
A+C 18 Liter
重量 / Weight A+B+C 2,100g
A+B 950g
A+C 1,450g
素材 / Material Exterior(外装)
・DURON™ Polyurethanes(特殊ポリウレタン)
・CORDURA®fabric High density Polyester(ポリエステル)
原産国 / Origin Japan
  • ファスナー開閉のフロントポケット(A)は身の回りの小物を効率よく仕分け収納するためのオーガナイザー(キーアンカー付属)
  • ロールトップ開閉の(B)は大開口で出し入れがし易く荷物の増減にも対応
  • ロールトップを開かずに荷室に直接アクセス可能なサイドファスナー付属(B)
  • ファスナー開閉とストレッチメッシュ採用で収納力を確保した外装のサイドオープンポケット(B)
  • 背負った状態のままアクセスできる左右2つのサイドファスナー(SF)ポケット付属(C)
  • SFポケット内のホールを利用して本体内部のモバイルバッテリーとSFポケット内のデバイスを接続(充電)可能
  • SFポケット内に収納したデバイスはケーブル接続中もそのまま使用が可能
  • PC(タブレット)専用スリーブ付属:16インチサイズ相当まで収納可能
  • 収納対応書類サイズ:A3相当まで収納可能
  • 着用時の荷重負荷を大幅に軽減する独自のショルダーハーネス構造。
  • ショルダーハーネスの長さ調節と取り回しを容易にするFidlock®社製マグネットパーツ採用
  • 高反発・低反発2種類のウレタンフォームを採用し、背負い心地を快適にするショルダーハーネスとバックパネル
  • バックパネルのクッションパッド(下段のみ)裏側に配置したセキュリティーポケットにはパスポートが収納可能
  • バックパネル中央のストラップを使用してスーツケースのハンドルにバッグ本体を固定可能
  • 本体素材「DURON™」「CORDURA®fablic」とYKK製止水ファスナーによる「軽量性」「耐久性」「耐水性」
  • 着脱可能な3つのユニットを組み合わせて本体の機能やサイズをアレンジ可能
  • 国内線、国際線を問わず飛行機内持ち込み可能なサイズ

  • Three different ways of using the removable A, B, and C three-layer structure.
  • Includes key hook. (Unit A)
  • Exterior side open pocket that secures storage capacity by adopting stretch mesh and opening/closing zippers. (Unit B)
  • Includes side zippers allowing access into the bag without opening the rolltop. (Unit B)
  • Tablets approximately 8 inches can be stored in 2 side pockets and can be accessed while carrying the backpack. (Unit C)
  • Take your mobile device in and out and charge without exposing the cables while on the move. (Unit C)
  • Computer storage compatibility : equivalent to 16 inches. (Unit C)
  • Paper document storage compatibility : equivalent to A3. (Unit C)
  • Shoulder harness and back panel that combine two different materials to achieve optimum hardness and resilience.
  • Fidlock® magnet parts to achieve both simplicity of strap of length adjustment and fixing of excess tape.
  • Security pocket located behind the cushion pad on the back panel (only on the bottom).
  • Strap located in the middle of the back panel to attach to suitcases.
  • "Lightweight", "durability" and "water resistance" made possible by the main body materials "DURON ™" and "CORDURA® fabric" and YKK water sealing zippers.
  • Size that can be carried on airplanes regardless of domestic or international flights.

【DURON™ 特殊ポリウレタン】


【DURON™ Polyurethane】

Developed as a highly durable polyurethane material DURON™ boasts immense strength and hydrolysis resistance compared to general polyurethane materials. The matte, and rubber-like surface is scratch-resistance and has high water resistance. This new environmentally friendly material is manufactured with 95% reduction in harmful solvents and it is also attracting attention.

【CORDURA® fabric High densityポリエステル】

摩耗、引き裂き、擦り切れに強く、日常生活における使用に対して優れた耐久性と持続性を提供するCORDURA® fabricのなかでも、特に強度対比重に優れたCORDURA®fabric 高密度ポリエステル。305デニールのポリエステル糸を極限まで密度を高めて打ち込み、軽さとしなやかさを持ちながら十分な強度を実現した機能的な素材です。beruf baggageの製品には、この素材の表面に撥水加工を、裏面にはPVCコートを施すことで、素材本来の強度に加え、高い耐水性も持ち合わせたハイスペックな素材を使用しております。

【CORDURA® fabric High Density Polyester】

Even among the CORDURA® fabrics that are resistant to abrasion, tearing and fraying, and provide excellent durability for everyday use, CORDURA® fabrics high density polyester has excellent strength. It is a functional material that has achieved sufficient strength while maintaining lightness and suppleness by driving in 305 denier polyester yarn with the highest density. Our products use high-spec material that has high water resistance in addition to the original strength of the material by applying a water repellent finish on the front surface of this material and a PVC coat on the back surface.


東京都渋谷区代々木1-19-7 / TEL:03-6276-6613
1-19-7 Yoyogi Tokyo Japan
水・木・金【13:00 - 19:00】|土【13:00 - 18:00】
Wed・Thu・Fri【13:00 - 19:00】|Sat【13:00 - 18:00】
Sun・Mon・Tue・Holidays(There may be other temporary closures)


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